Join the PreOrder Waitlist


I'm Cooking Up Something New... I Guarantee It.


There's no commitment with joining the list, just the opportunity to see what's been happening for the last few years, and watch as things unfold. It truly is a huge support to me to simply follow the progress. Of course, I hope many of you will choose to purchase a Model 1 in September 2024, too, because it turns out my kids like to eat.  ;-)

View the full Model 1 image gallery!

new model 1 river guitar dulcimers

They're really the best, I'm so proud of them. You're going to love them. Looking forward to what you think, and hearing your feedback.

 - Ryan

What’s the difference in the “guitar” and “dulcimer” version?

Excellent and frequent question! (and more FAQ's below)
While the body/neck and sizing design is the same in the two instruments, the configuration and fret placement make them completely different.  On the guitar version we've included "all the frets" (aka, "chromatic") and the strings are tuned like the top 3 of a guitar (GBE).  Whereas on the dulcimer version, you'll see that there are seemingly random gaps in the frets (aka "diatonic") because it's designed play in a one key (it actually plays in two, but that's a story for later).  The way the dulcimer is tuned (DAD) is also quite different from the guitar version.  

Frequently Asked Questions!

  • I've never played music before, how easy are these to learn?
    • Super easy!  I have 100+ (and growing) tutorials and downloads available, many for free.
    • If you've truly never played an instrument before, I might recommend the dulcimer version as your first one to tackle.
    • If you've tried guitar in the past, and it "just didn't stick," then I'd recommend both/and, since the dulcimer is sure to give you an easier time... but the guitar version is less than half as complex as a 6-string, and the knowledge is 100% transferable, so you can work your way back up to that trickier one.
  • You say it’s a 3-string instrument, but I see 4… what are you talking about?  Can’t you count!  :-)
    • I can count, I assure you.  (Though my accountant might question that.).  They are designed as if they are 3-string, and are played as 3-strings, but there's a 4th on the top that doubles the highest string.  This provides a lovely "chorusing" effect that is reminiscent of a mandolin.  I think it's endearing and a nice tonal differentiator, but if you'd like a true 3-string you're more than welcome to remove one!
  • Will you have left-handed models available?
    • YES!!  Have no fear southpaws, you will be served.  It will be an option for configuration at the time of purchase.
  • Can you install a pickup in them?
    • You are welcome to have a go at that, but Nick would say it's not a great idea due to how it'd have to be installed and the need to drill into it, etc.  I'm sure that won't stop most of you tinkerers from trying, but word to the wise.  If you must have one now, you could try a surface mounted piezo, but it might be dissatisfying, and could deaden the sound if it's on the bout of the instrument (widest part).
    • If you want a pickup, we're already experimenting with those, but they won't be available for at least several months.
  • Will you have a full electric version?
    • One day, ABSOLUTELY, but for now that's on the backburner while we figure out the most efficient means of building the first batches.  Ideally, it's prototyped in Q4'24 and launch-able in 2025.
    • If you are interested in one, please let me know (email!) so I can get a better sense of demand  :) 




The Story Of River Guitar, "Model 1," In Images

It all starts with a sketch (Jan/Feb '21)

The First Physical Rendering (Mar/April '21)

Things Are Starting To Happen!  (April-July '21)

 A Sneak Peek Into The Design

Fast forward a bit... and here we are in 2023... next stop, PreOrder!