Strumstick Chords (in D) - How to Play a McNally Strumstick

Got a Strumstick in DAD tuning? Probably a Grand McNally D-33 Strumstick. Let's walk through how to approach some of the most used chords.

This is by no means an exhaustive look at chords, but ample to get you through 80% of music and 100% FUN! There are a few other videos already posted for chord theory and basic chords, or if you have a more junior sized Strumstick or Seagull Merlin stick dulcimer.

BTW, did you know that the Seagull Merlin is tuned the same as a Grand Strumstick (DAD)? That means everything you find about a D Merlin M4 will work for a Strumstick (and vice versa ;-)

Here are some resources to help you along your way:

About Chords Pt. 1 

About Chords Pt. 2 

Strumstick in G Chords 


 Click this link to have access to our dulcimer guitar cheat sheet in G


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