Learn "Skavirino" on Strumstick (an Esperanto favorite)

When Fingtam Esperanto (   / @fingtamesperanto505  ) contacted me to do a collaboration I had no idea what I was getting into. Turns out there's an entire language (without a country) that was invented in the late 1800's as a means for diplomacy between different nation states! Esperanto. It was never put into practice, but has grown a fanbase around the world.

One of the hallmarks of that following is a love for ska-based music. Many of the songs are extremely easy to play, making them perfect for 1-Finger Songs, beginners, or those interested in learning a new language (maybe?). 

Here's the original version of this song that we referenced for creating our version.    • Esperanto Desperado - Skavirino   See Fingtam singing along on his channel, too.    • Skavirino (Per muzikbastono kaj fajfilo)