LEARN - "Hallelujah" - Stick Dulcimer Guitar (D Strumstick / Seagull Merlin)

The song ‘Hallelujah’ was written and composed by the singer-songwriter Leonard Cohen who said it took him at least four years and multiple verse variations to be completed.
More commonly known as the popular version sung by Jeff Buckley in 1994 with slight adaptations to the original Cohen version. This song is made up of five chords that you could EASILY switch out for one-finger variations.
It’s beginner-friendly and my humble opinion will always be a timeless classic…
**NOTE** -- I accidentally recorded this in D#, not D [smacks forehead 🤪] , so if you try to play along it'll be all wonky. Do as I say, not as I do, and check your instrument is in tune before recording videos, kids!


  • Chords Overview -- 0:46
  • Chord Sheet -- 1:04
  • 1-Finger Version -- 1:39
  • Multi-Finger -- 3:28
  • Summary -- 6:21