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LEARN - CCR, "Fortunate Son" - Stick Dulcimer Guitar

Did you know that according to his 2015 memoir, Fogerty was thinking about David Eisenhower, the grandson of President Dwight D. Eisenhower, who married Julie Nixon, the daughter of then-President-elect Richard Nixon in 1968, when he wrote “Fortunate Son”?

This song made the headlines when it quickly become the anti-war movement anthem. This song has been featured extensively in pop culture depictions of the Vietnam War and other anti-war movements.

Rolling Stone listed this as number 99 on its ‘greatest songs of all time’ list. In my opinion, it’s extremely easy to play, offers lots of flexibility and is a timeless classic known all around the world.


If you also want to learn how to play Fortunate Son on the stick dulcimer we can get you started! Click the link to have access to the free cord guide for this song!


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I’ve had great feedback from my ‘Chord Cheat Sheet’. People seem to find it really useful, so I recommend making the most of that!

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cover Fortunate Sun by CCR a few things to note before we get going, the one fingered version is really easy there's only three chords in this song.
and there's a variety of ways you could
there, but to help you with that there's a free chord cheat sheet on the website. There's also a complete 20 page one that
on the website grabbing either of those
lso subscribe to this channel if you like
to let you know is that this song I'm going to take up a notch in terms of difficulty, because I'm going to show you the chords which is what I usually do, but there's also that really iconic opening riff which I want to show to you. I'll do that at the end so you
you can play with it etc but then we're
give you a little extra something to go
play this song before we get rolling a
the whole song only has three chords in
it's in g but it's not it's actually in
tune down a whole step on the most
down a whole step from d to c.
it's a little out of tune it's not
it'll work so play along with them.
we're talking about today are the one
d are d g and a. However the progression goes a, g, d over and over again that's all it is. Now the intro is just on the a chord that's all that it is and then when it gets into the verses some folks are born it would go like this and now I'm going to play the one finger version I'm not even a hearty blues player I'm just going to tell you bar at the fourth fret and then the third fret and then open.
o that's it one finger version done.
there's a couple of options again check
I think I would play it like this is one
the chords right here, so barring here pinky there you could play like that.
good because it's such a high chord. I
you could also play it like that but that's a little bit more tricky.
you think let's get into the really fun
opening riff on the song that everyone
riff however it's not all in the same, key because the song is playing over top of one chord it's just playing over top of the g chord on the recording because it's just playing over top of that one chord they can kind of get away with having a neat little riff that isn't necessarily in the key so what I've done.
kind of like you're playing along gives you a little bit of interest while you're playing something more than just singing and hitting chords okay so the way that it's gonna look is...
a few things to note you're gonna need to slide in in order for it to sound like the recording and I'm gonna play with my middle finger
because that way i don't have to move my
for some of you you're welcome to once
figure out what works for you but I'm gonna play it with middle finger here and that means that on the first notes it's gonna be start here and slide up one
with the right hand down up right so and then the second phrase second piece of it is going to be again middle finger sliding in
finger down here then the next one this is a little tricky you're going to start with your middle finger and nothing else here on
you do put your index finger there
you take the same shape and slide up a fret all at one time.
move it that's called a slide it's kind of obvious right but part of the slide part of the beauty of the slide is you hit the note first before you strike the string again so I'm only striking the string one time. As I make that the slide the the friction and the force of moving across that fret continues the note and then makes it a new note so
I haven't done that yet here's how it would go assuming the intro beat
this you fill in some of those notes
upbeats or down beats to get an added
playing without another instrument it
be repeat.
section has another little chord thing that you could learn but it would have to be modified it's definitely not in the key and you'd have to just mess around with that. I would recommend just taking that
great thing to do on this instrument because regardless of what you end up playing it'll sound like it's in the
mess around with all that let me know if